Saturday, October 10, 2015

October Meditation

Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.  The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop from you like leaves of Autumn. 

     John Muir, The Mountains of California


  1. One of my favorite Muir quotes.... I took this from Monarch Watch and Dr. Chip Taylor. Here is a status update. I signed up for the newsletter about monarchs. I am sorry you were so upset. I seem to be on an up and down path of despair and hope for the planet at a whole.. But we may do better with monarch counts this year. I am going to try to find better news like the great horned owl release. After losing that little downy that I brought in, I needed some good news.. I am down with an awful cold and the baby and family are supposed to come up next weekend. I have to be better...I will see if telling myself that will work... Ha Ha... hugs Florence...Michelle

  2. Yes, Michelle, I know what you mean about being up and down about the environment. Thanks for your concern.

    I hope you get over your cold soon. Several people I know, including my son-in-law, are down with really bad colds.
