Tuesday, September 15, 2015

September Around OakMeadows

Around OakMeadows

I had a nice post all ready and when I hit publish, it disappeared.  I will try to recreate it; I just hope I can remember it all. 

I started with the lovely cool weather we had over the weekend and Monday.  Cool, low humidity, and no mosquitoes. I could even work outside without getting wringing wet with sweat. Nice. 

The fires in California are just breaking my heart. People losing their homes and all their possessions and the poor wildlife clinging to what habitat they had remaining. Will the drought ever end??

I've made good progress on the baby quilt. I hope to finish quilting the blocks this week and start on the borders next week. We shall see. 

I am reading 3 excellent books. Few Oranges and No Eggs is the diary kept by Vere Hodgson 1940-1945 while living in London. I'm  up to the beginning of 1941 now and have been enthralled reading about her experience during the Blitz. One thing she writes about over and over is not the shortage of food but the shortage of sleep deprived how tired everyone is. With the night after night bombing and the fires, no one was getting any sleep. Occasionally, she would be so tired that she would sleep through it which was a very dangerous thing to do. 

Politics: I like Bernie Sanders and hope he gets the Democratic Party nomination.  I will vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination but with considerably less enthusiasm.  She seems almost as paranoid as Richard Nixon was. Anyway, I'm a Bernheart.  The Republican candidates are just bizarre. IMHO. 

That's all the news from OakMeadows where the cats eat Fancy Feast and the people wash their dishes. 


  1. My father grew up in Lake County, which is now burning up, and we had our summer vacations there. So sad.
    My cat was jealous about the Fancy Feast, but I pointed out to him that it makes him throw up because it's too rich. He eats Eukanuba and very little amounts of table scraps and the occasional dove. (He throws up the bones and feathers.)
    Well, I'm going to watch the debate. I remind myself that watching the Anita Hill Clarence Thomas hearing was a valuable piece of political education for me, and maybe this thing will be, too. But it's a sacrifice.

  2. Hello, beautiful butterfly and image. The wildfires are scary and sad, I hope they are all out soon. I am a fan of Bernie Sanders too, I hope he wins the Democratic nomimation. I had to laugh at your line the cats eat Fancy Feast and people wash the dishes. Have a happy weekend!
