Monday, June 1, 2015

The Rainpocalypse and Yosemite

Our trip to Yosemite did not get off to a good start. About 8:30pm Monday evening the thunder, lightning, and RAIN started. And it did not stop until about 3:30am Tuesday morning, approximately 6 hours before our flight was scheduled to leave. Now when I say RAIN, I mean COMING DOWN. I have been through hurricanes several times and in hurricanes, the rain comes in squalls and bands but Monday night was most prolonged rainstorm I have ever experienced. Our rain gauge overflowed at 9 inches. I wondered all night if we would be able to get to the airport and if the planes would be able to depart.  We made it there and the flight did depart on time but my what a mess the whole area is. 

The problems continued when we landed in San Francisco. My electric scooter had been damaged in transit. But bless United Airlines, the had 3 mechanics take it apart, fix it, and put it back together in about 30 minutes. 

After that the trip went fine. But it was a rough start!

California is about as dry and brown as West Texas. How they need rain!

Here are some of the photos:


  1. BEautiful photos, I'm glad your trip turned out ok in the end.

  2. I am so glad that you were able to get there.... Wonderful scenery... Michelle
