Monday, June 15, 2015

Around OakMeadows

My previous baby quilt which was given to my great-nephew who is due any day now.

This dratted cold is still hanging on but I am ever so slowly getting over it. At least, I am no longer having to sleep in the recliner to keep from coughing all night. The doc gave me a prescription for cough syrup with codeine and a teaspoon of it and I am out like s light.  I only needed to take it for 3 nights. Anyway, I am better and am thankful for that. 

We went to see San Andreas. It was a really good disaster flick. As Joe said, it wasn't nearly as bad as he had anticipated. As for me, I like a good disaster or post-apocalyptic survival movie. Throw in some popcorn and I'm a happy camper. 

We are having about the wettest early summer I can remember.  Joe got out this morning to mow as much as he could before the rain starts. There is a tropical wave that is supposed to bring us another 6+ inches of rain starting this afternoon. 

I have put the monster quilt on hold while I get the next baby quilt together.  I 
want to take it with me on the Alaska cruise. I have the 30 4-patch blocks finished and now I need to cut out the small 2-inch appliqué blocks and get them sewn on. 

I finished Spineless by Susan Middleton and that must be one of the most beautiful books that I have ever had the pleasure of perusing.  She photographs marine invertebrates and it is just gorgeous. Such exquisite creatures that most of us will never see. It is another book that I found via Maria Popova's wonderful blog Brain Pickings. 

Cooking was a bit sketchy again this past week as my temperature went up 
every afternoon and I generally felt like carp. So I would set things up in the morning and get everything ready to cook and then in the evening Joe would 
come in and do most of the actual cooking. It is actually a pretty good system.  This week we will be making baked fish, carrots/thyme, and corn; Chicken Rice Bake; and Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff. I want to make chocolate chip cookies but we will see how much I improve. 

I have rearranged my succulents on the back porch. I sure wish I could find another plant stand like the one I have. It is just the right size and doesn't rust. I found it at Hobby Lobby a year or so ago and have never seen one like it again. I told Joe to keep his eyes open when he is out and so will I. 

Well that's all the news from OakMeadows where the cats are all spoiled and the people take afternoon naps. 


  1. You're funny! I hope you are all better now. Which Alaska cruise are you going on? We left from Vancouver, B.C. on Holland America. Great experience!

  2. Hattie, we are going on a Princess cruise from Seattle. I've never been on a cruise so this will be a learning experience if nothing else. My husband's brother and his wife are coming with us and that will be nice.

    Thank you, Birgitta!

  3. Of course cats should be spoiled... My two are... I hope you feel better soon. My daughter had something 2 weeks ago that sound like it. I was happy the baby didn't get it, but her hubby did... Feel better
