Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Working Stiff by Judy Melinek

While this book is certainly not for the squeamish, it gives a fascinating glimpse into the gruesome work of a forensic pathologist.  Descriptions of decaying bodies that would turn the stomachs of most of us are described in a matter of fact manner conveying the clues that the trained eye sees.  Dr. Melinek began her training as a forensic pathologist in NYC 2 months before the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. The work of identifying the dead from bits and pieces of body parts is told with both professional detachment and compassion toward the grieving family. 
A very good and interesting read. 


  1. I'm not one to get squeamish...this may be a book I'd enjoy reading. The subject and the time frame.

  2. Oh my. That sounds very grim.
