Friday, April 10, 2015

April Goals

     Sit and Be Fit
     Healthy Breakfast and Snack

Quilting: Block #19

     Eisenhower in War and Peace by Jean Edward Smith
     The Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown
     H Is for Hawk by Helen MacDonald 
     Vincent Van Gogh: A Life by Philip Callow

     Stuffed Wieners, Corn, Salad
     Chicken Parmigiana, Salad
     CB hash, Broccoli 
     Chocolate Chip Cookies

     Clean out next section of closet

     Order new exercise DVD


  1. That's a good idea setting goals for the month! Much better than New Year's Resolutions. You've given me some good ideas ...

    my cooking goal for the month is to learn how best to use my new crockpot (you can brown right in it, that seems like a good thing, but so far all I've done is the usual dump everything in there and cook all day.)

  2. Hi, Sallie! I either set goals and write them down or nothing gets done. I could read or quilt all day if I didn't have set things that I wanted to get done. Besides, it helps me feel productive. Not that the goals always get done.....
