Thursday, February 5, 2015

Winter in the Texas Hill Country

These were taken by JMM at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. He went to their yearly native tree and shrub sale.  The sale was very well attended and while he was able to get at least one of each of the trees and shrubs that he was looking for, they sold out quickly.  Fortunately he was able to get 3 small Anacua trees. 


  1. Good for him!! Glad he was able to get what he wanted. I've never been but would love to go and get some native TX plants myself!!

  2. Looks dry. Is this the usual there?

  3. Yes, the hill country can be very dry and there has been a drought. But the native plants can tolerate long periods of drought.

  4. I am also reading the book you are and one called.. "Spiritual Ecology"and will be posting on it..... I wish I could go and buy native plants there.... Michelle
