Sunday, December 7, 2014

Around Oak Meadows

We went to the Kimball Museum in Fort Worth for my birthday. There was a wonderful exhibit of Impressionist portraits. It always amazes me how rich my life is. Who would have thought I would ever see paintings by Van Gogh or Rembrandt or Monet. My parents' generation never had the opportunities that we have today. 

More good news: the meadowlarks arrived followed today by the arrival of the goldfinches.  We have been expecting the little goldfinches because they usually arrive right around my birthday. And what a precious birthday present they are. Joe immediately put out the thistle feeders. I have no idea where they spend the rest of the year, but I am so glad they spend the winter with me. They will have all the fresh water, thistle, and sunflower seed they want. 

One not so good thing happened. I was scammed. Really. I was working on my Mac and suddenly the screen froze and a pop-up said that Apple had detected a security breach and gave a number to call and like a total dope, I called. An hour and $199 later, my Mac was back. But thanks to my dear daughter, I learned that it was a scam. Joe called the credit card company and canceled the charge and they are sending us a new card. Then I called the real Apple Support and we went through my computer and cleaned every trace of the scam out. My Mac is clean now and I have learned a lesson. Ack!


  1. Wonderful yellow birds you have there! Both kinds. We used to have goldfinches all year round when we lived in Oregon and still see them in the summer when we visit there. Meadowlarks are a rarer sighting for me; it must be wonderful to have them on your own place!

    Fabulous to live near a good art museum too! And good of you to share your scam (and glad it turned out OK after all).

  2. That is something about that scam. Glad you were able to get this taken care of.
    I was thinking: growing up in San Francisco in the 50's, where you would think I could see great art, I saw only one painting, a Greco, that I immediately recognized as of a quality that nothing else I had seen up to then could match. Then when I was 18 a Van Gogh exhibit came to town and I was thrilled. Since then, I've visited many of the famous museums and a few out of the way ones, too that appealed to me.

  3. Hattie, I'm mostly embarrassed that I fell for the scam. I've always been very skeptical but I walked right into it. 😯

  4. Oh my goodness...I was always told that a MAC was so protected from this kinda thing.

    Glad you found out soon enough tho.

    And love the fact that you have the finches with you for the duration of winter.
