Thursday, October 16, 2014

Around OakMeadows

Once the rain stopped (and thunder and lightning), the weather has been glorious!  Cool days with no humidity, bright sunshine, and cool enough to need a blanket if you leave the window open.  Sometimes I think we are the only people in America who sleep with the windows open.  Needless to say, when I was growing up everyone slept with the windows open unless it was really, really cold (which didn't really happen all that often in Galveston.)  I wouldn't want to go back to the days of no air-conditioning but when the temperatures drop, it is lovely to have the window open. 

There will be no pictures until I get my new iPhone 6P and learn how to use it and learn how to load pictures onto my brand new iMac. The Mac is a real learning curve for me and I am slowly working my way through Switching to the Mac by David Pogue.  If that doesn't work, there is always Mac for Dummies.  Anyway, I hope to have learned enough to be fairly proficient by the end of the year....which really isn't thwt far off. 

I finished my quilt top (sorry no pictures).  Tomorrow I am going to buy the batting and maybe get the backing pieced together Saturday.  The quilt is for the queen-size bed in the guest bedroom and measures 7 feet 3 inches by 8 feet 3 inches, an odd size but I wanted it to cover the frame on each side. Anyway, I anticipate I will need to buy a king-size batting and trim it to fit. 

I finished 2 really good books recently: Hotel at the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford and The Care and Management of Lies by Jacqueline Winspear (which I listened to on audio).  I tried reading The Memory of Old Jack by Wendell Berry but didn't like it because it was just to poignant and melancholy and I really don't yearn to go back to the land and the old ways. I love his poetry and his prose is beautiful but the story was not my cup of tea. 

Cooking this week included an Applesauce Raisin Spice Cake. I think I have already posted the recipe for this. The smell of the cake in the oven just smells like autumn with the nutmeg, cloves, and allspice. I also made Chicken Parmesan and one night I used my George Foreman Grill to grill steaks and made garlic mashed potatoes and steamed green beans to go with them. 

We went to our POA meeting. The Association finances are in really good shape and we discussed the Halloween Hayride and the Christmas decorations for the subdivision. Joe asked about the New Year's Eve progressive dinner but that is still rather nebulous.  We are still moving ahead (albeit at a glacial speed) on the high speed internet cable project. Maybe by next June....

Kittens are growing and are such little individuals. Both are sweet and good and have never made a pee or poo anywhere other than in their litter box.  Our older two cats have reacted very differently to them. Bandit, the head cat, is very tolerant and puts up with a lot before he smacks them into line but Misty, the only female, can't stand the sight of them--she hisses and spits and then disappears into the attic when she sees them. Oh well...

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