Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A Brief Rant

A Brief Rant

1. A segment on NPR this morning discussed the diminishing funds available for research.  Whether you are talking about the NIH or the National Cancer Institute, money is drying up for research. 

2. We are getting ready to spend half a billion dollars on the Syria/Iraq black hole. 

We have money to throw away on trying to bring peace and democracy to the Middle East but can't fund our own scientists, educate our own children, or repair our own infrastructure.  Makes a lot of sense. Not. 


  1. We have so many poor people here, unpaved roads, underfunded schools, etc. etc. It's getting bad. And now a lava flow is threatening to take out a whole town. So what do we get? Another endless war!

  2. Think I lost a comment. But yes, what you said.

  3. Hattie, the more I think about this, the madder I get. We don't seem capable of learning. We see how well bombing has worked in Iraq and Libya so now we will expand it into Syria. What a mess! I don't have grandchildren but if I did, I would be really concerned about this never ending war we seem determined to maintain.
