Thursday, June 5, 2014

What to do with these?

I pieced these quilt blocks by hand 30+ years ago but have never done anything with them. There aren't enough blocks for a quilt top. Maybe a lap quilt. I get them out every once in a while and try to come up with an idea but in the end I put them back in the drawer for another 5 or so years. I am determined to do something with them this time.  Suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!


  1. These are lovely -- if they were mine I would either frame them all and make a grouping on a wall or make some throw pillows with them -- they are too nice to sit in a drawer I think -- barbara

  2. Good idea, Barbara! I hadn't considered framing any of them but I think I will take one or two to the quilt shop and see if they know anyone who knows how to frame them! Thank you! I'll post pictures when finished.
