Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Crisis du jour


I do not watch the nightly news. I used to listen to NPR a lot but now less and less. Partly it is because I think the media have to have some crisis somewhere every day to fill up the 24/7 news slots. Now it is the crisis in Crimea and before that it was the crisis in Syria and before that it was a crisis in Egypt....

And partly because the things that I care about - ecology and the environment are given scant coverage. (We are destroying the very systems that keep us alive and we hear about Mick Jagger's girlfriend committing suicide....) 

And lastly because the thing that I have been raging against for the last 10 years is finally coming to an end. We are out of Iraq (and didn't that go well...) and soon we will be out of Afghanistan.  Soon there will be no more Americans getting their arms and legs blown off or dying for nothing. (I don't think that we have accomplished anything lasting in either country.)

I hope we will have the good sense to evaluate the cost in both lives and money before we go roaring off to next foreign war. 


  1. I wish more people would care about the environment and our world.. Have a great day!

  2. you, I am very proud of the TX's the best in the nation!

  3. People need to be more mindful, more active. They need to cultivate happiness. But most of us don't "get it" until we are old.
