Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Winter Birding in the Rio Grande Valley

The pictures aren't as good as I'd like because it was overcast and we didn't have the tripod with us.

Black-necked stilts

Blue Winged Teal


Great Kiskadee

Green Jay

Ladder Backed Woodpecker

Northern Shoveler

Orchard Oriole

American Coot




  1. I want to see and photograph the Chacalaca...and that oriole is gorgeous.

    As for the park in CC being accessible to handicapped. For the most part, probably somewhat. There are paths that would be a bit difficult. If you go in the back way [on the other side of the city Library, you may be able to get in there partially and view some birds. There are some very narrow pathways tho.

  2. I've never seen green jays before… they are quite lovely!

  3. Those are some amazing colors! I think I like the first shot the best.

  4. Me too, Bettye-NZ. Thanks! Those pink legs are eye-catching. The stilts were flying toward the Teals which, of course,got them all stirred up.

  5. Laura, the green jays are really beautiful. There are some blinds in the Bentsen State Park where you can watch them close up. If it hadn't been so cold, I could have watched them for hours.

  6. Anni, you will have absolutely no problem seeing and photographing the Chachalacas at Bentsen--they are everywhere and not in the least skittish when people are around.
    The oriole is an immature and is almost a glow in the dark yellow!
    Thank you for the information on the park. Who knows, I may see you there sometime!

  7. Wow, this is a wonderful series of photos. Such pretty birds I have never seen before! Great!

  8. These birds are wonderful. We've spent a month or so in the Valley when we were full-time RVing ... we even saw the green jay (no pictures though) .. I'd love to come back there with a camera someday. Thanks for sharing these birds ... and for the memories.

  9. Sallie, the Rio Grande has so many good birding areas that we can go time and again and find something new each time. Have you ever been in southeastern Arizona?
    That is another birding paradise.

  10. Now this is a place I would love to visit. Amazing array of birds which I love. Nice to have you link into Nature Notes Florence... Happy Valentine's Day.. Michelle

  11. Hi Michelle, I wish you could come too! There is nothing like sharing a wonderful place with someone who shares you love of natural places and the beautiful creature who live there. Texas has so many places to get away and drink in the peace and quiet and beauty!
