Monday, February 3, 2014

Around OakMeadows

Around OakMeadows

This has been the week of Blizzard Part II. Monday I ran around doing errands and stocking up at the grocery store so that I wouldn't have to go out in the coming cold weather. I got it all done just in time because by Monday evening the temperatures were falling and the wind howling. Tuesday was so bad that schools were closed and Joe worked from home.  It is days like Tuesday that make me so very thankful that I am retired and don't have to worry about getting to and from work!

Wednesday was Joe's retirement party at work. I went and met everyone and took some pictures. Then Thursday Vera Taylor took us to lunch to say goodby. Friday was his last day at work. He came home at noon and has been smiling ever since. 

Joe got a Roomba for us. He has set it up and had it vacuuming the house. It is fun to watch and when it finishes, it takes itself back to its docking stand and recharges. The cats are totally disinterested. 

I have gotten virtually no quilting done and have no real excuse other than general sloth.  Lots of reading though. I absolutely love Mary Oliver's poetry. 
She captures the essence of what she is describing. It is almost like  catching of whiff of a scent that transports you to a thought or time.  I read her book of 
poems A Thousand Mornings; I will return the library book and buy a copy to savor again and again. 

Cooking has been minimal this week with all the celebrations and eating out. I made  Beef Stroganoff on Tuesday and baked oatmeal cookies. Comfort food for cold weather. 

We are getting ready for a trip to the Rio Grande for birding.  We will make Brownsville our center and make trips out from there. We will be staying at the Marriott Residence Inn.  Joe is in charge of where we go and what we see. I am taking plenty of reading, quilting, and an audio book. We are also taking a folding chair that I hope to be able to use in the shower; we shall have to see how that works....


  1. Sounds like you have some fun in your future. Enjoy!

  2. Hello Florence!!! Nice to meet you. Another Texan. I'm not originally from Texas [grew up in Colorado and lived there for 40+ years and retired to Tucson AZ before getting wise and settling in C C!---the saying goes, I wasn't born in TX but got here as quickly as I could]

    I read you're an avid Birder!! Me too. In fact, I have a 2nd blog [linked on my right sidebar at Hootin' Anni's ---just click on the "I'd Rather B Birdin'" bumper sticker and it'll take you there to view some of the bird photos I've shared. And, if you ever take photos of birds and want to share them with the bloggers around the world...I want to invite you to do so. A new linking opens up every Saturday at noon TX time]

    I've enjoyed you visiting with me, and happy to meet another gal from the great state of Texas. Please, do come again.

    I'll now go add your blog url to my Blogger reading list and join you at your 'followers' exchange.

  3. Good birding to you -- I think that you should be out of the reaches of old man winter visiting the Rio Grande. -- barbara
