Friday, November 15, 2013

A Difficult Decision

The form came in the mail earlier this week to renew my pharmacist license.  Rationally, I know that I will never work again. But emotionally, it is wrenching. I struggled so long and so hard to be able to  have a profession and to be able to take care of myself and my family. License renewal is hundreds of dollars and many hours of continuing education. I have the money and could easily do the CE hours but for what purpose?? No, it is time to close that part of my life. Wretched piece of paper!


  1. It is hard to give these things up, I know. But it's time.
    I am so happy, now that I can pursue interests that are not about making money or taking care of my family.

  2. Hattie is so right. There are so very many choices out in this wide world that will give you a whole new beginning if you want. -- barbara
