Thursday, October 10, 2013

The News

The News

Remember a couple of weeks ago when Syria was the big emergency and just before that turmoil in Egypt was the crisis and before that the Greek financial crisis and before that....  There is always a crisis, always a wrenching tragedy, always tension. Until you turn the radio/television/Internet off and find that not only does the world not end but that there are blue skies with puffy white clouds still there to watch and birds are still singing for you to listen to.

The crisis this week it is the idiot Republicans causing mayhem with the nation's finances. It is a shame and I plan to vote for anyone other than my current Republican idiots in the House and Senate. But that is a year from now and I have no intention of being upset about it for another minute. Besides, in the next year there will be at least 10 more crises/tragedies to feed the news cycle frenzy.

Here is how I deal with news of various crises: I read about it, if there is anything I can do about it, I do it, and then I go live my life--quilting, reading, cooking, gardening. You notice I state that I read about it. I have found that reading the news, as in an old-fashioned real newspaper that leaves you with newsprint on your fingers, gives one the information without all the tension filled urgency of radio/television/Internet news. As an example, the mess in Syria. I read about it and realized that we were about to muddle our way into another Middle East mess. So I emailed and then called both my Senators, my Representative, and the President and stated my firm opinion that we should not blow up anything or anyone in Syria. That's it. On to other things.  The current government shutdown, nothing to do until November, 2014.

One thing that allows me to do this is that I have no debt, my house and vehicles are paid for, I have saved a hefty emergency fund, and I always live well below my means. The other thing is taking maintenance of my health seriously--weight, blood pressure, diet & exercise, pleasure in small things. If you have your health and adequate finances, you are well on the way to a happy life. (Especially if you limit the amount of "the news" that enters your head.

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