Thursday, August 15, 2013

One Hundred Best Movies

One Hundred Best Movies

We don't have cable or satellite television but we do get movies through Netflix.  A while back I came across a list of the 100 best movies. They were listed in alphabetical order and I thought it would be fun to slowly watch my way down the list even though I have seen almost all of them at least once. 

I started off with Amadeus and Apollo 13 both of which were enjoyable.  I didn't care for the madcap acting in Arsenic & Old Lace and couldn't stand the overly dramatic Ben Hur. 

Becket is coming next.

What movies would you have me add to the list of all time best movies?


  1. The Mission
    I'm neither Catholic nor Christian but thought this was a powerful film.

  2. OK, Hattie, I have added it to my Netflix queue. Thank you for the recommendation.

  3. Hmmm. I absolutely adore Ben Hur, so I'm not sure you'd agree with my recommendations. That said, my son is plowing through the American Film institutes 100 best movies of all time, and then we move to the fifty best villians and good guys (if there are any differences). I do love the Mission. I'd see A Lion in winter along with Beckett whether its a top 100 or not. Casablanca. Lawrence of Arabia. Bridge on the River Kwai. Let me know when you get to a Clockwork Orange-I just broke down last year. the only ones I have not seen are Rebecca and any silents. I am not a Du Maurier fan.
