Tuesday, July 2, 2013

More Adventures in Medicare

Today has been dedicated to delving into Medicare Advantage plans.  I found the Humana Gold Medicare Advantage through USAA and it seems to provide the coverage we need with the cost being only the Medicare Part B monthly fee.  We would have to use physicians and hospitals are in the network but that is not a limitation because our physician group and Memorial Hermann hospital are in the network. The co-pays for physician office visits and prescription drugs are very low.  Also there is a maximum yearly out of pocket cap of $3400. 
The one thing that has been made outstandingly clear in my adventures in figuring out Medicare is that health insurance with or without Medicare is a complete muddle.  Between the two of us JMM and I have 2 Bachelors degrees, 1 MBA, 2 B.S. in Pharmacy degrees, and 1 Pharm.D.  And we are reduced to blithering idiots in trying to decipher the outline of coverage limitations and exclusions.  At one point this afternoon the total bizarreness of some of it had us doubled over laughing. Sometimes you just have to laugh. 
To be continued. 

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad for Kaiser. They make everything simple. They have been in the managed care business forever and have worked out most of the kinks.
