Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Where does the time go?

I seem to have misplaced today. First it was morning and now it is dinner time.  I did go and have my annual mammogram but that only took two hours including driving, parking, and waiting time. So where did the rest of the day go. It's not like I got carried away reading or quilting and certainly not cooking because as I said it is dinner time and I had to call JMM to bring home grilled chicken sandwiches from Whataburger.  If anyone finds my missing day, please let me know-- I really could use the time...


  1. It sounds like you were blessed with a peaceful day. Be grateful.g

  2. I think a mammmogram is enough activity for one day!

  3. That is how all my days go. That is why I try and make each one special for me as well as for every being around me from insects to trees to humans and more.Sometimes I suceed and sometimes I don't. -- barbara
