Friday, September 14, 2012

Quiet. What are you hearing?

While I am sitting here quilting, I have the back door open and I am listening to the sounds outside. It is overcast with some intermittent rain. There is occasional rolling thunder in addition to the quiet rain drops.   This is hummingbird migration season here on the Texas gulf Coast and we have two hummingbird feeders hanging on the porch near the open back door.  I can hear the buzzing whizzing sound of hummingbird wings as they drive each other away from the feeders.  Up near the top of the big live oak tree, I can hear a mockingbird making his presence known. 
I am so fortunate to live where I do and can savor the quiet sounds. 

1 comment:

  1. Was catching up on all your posts this morning. This post is so similar to the post I just wrote yesterday. I guess I will venture that great minds think alike (ha ha) -- barbara
