Monday, September 3, 2012

Goals for Week Ending Saturday, September 8, 2012

1. Follow ReadThe Bible In A Year Chronologically Plan  --  done
2. Exercise 5 days. --  Ha!  Not even close
3. Weight Watchers 26 PointsPlus per day.  Done. Lost 0.4 lb. 
4. Finish quilting Block #3.  --  done. 
5. Cook 4 dinners.   --  done. 
8. Reading. -- in progress. All are good. 
     The Dark Vineyard by Martin Walker
     The World of Durer by Francis Russell
     Stiff: the Curious Life of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach
9. Have annual physical exam.  --  done.. All is well. 
10.  Trim and spray roses.  In progress   
11.  Go to bed on time and get up at 7am to get enough sleep.  This seems to be helping. 

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