Monday, August 27, 2012

Goals for week ending Saturday, September 1, 2012

Goals for week ending Saturday,  September 1, 2012

1. Follow ReadThe Bible In A Year Chronologically Plan--done.  We are in Ezekiel and I am looking forward to getting through all the doom and destruction and on to the New Testament. 
2. Exercise 5 days -- only 3 days. Will do better this week. 
3. Weight Watchers 26 PointsPlus per day -- yes but only managed to maintain weight. Nothing lost. Will do better this week. 
4. Finish quilting Block#2-- done. 
5. Cook 4 dinners--done. 
8. Reading--done. 
     Bruno, Chief of Police by Martin Walker
     The Sacred Balance by David Suzuki
     Predator Nation by Charles Ferguson
9. Finish painting the kitchen--done. Yeah!!!
10. Take Daisy home --done. 
11.  Go to bed on time and get up at 7am to get enough sleep.  This is a work in progress. 

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