Monday, August 27, 2012

Dear Daisy

This morning I took Daisy back home. Daisy is my daughter's cocker spaniel and we have been dog-sitting.  Daisy is an elderly dog now. She is rather stiff in the mornings and likes to go back to bed for a morning nap after necessities have been taken care of.   She no long strains at the leash to be ahead of everybody but now would rather sniff around for interesting smells in the clover in the front yard.  She is good around the cats and gives them wide berth.  She no longer barks at passing trucks or cowers at thunder and lightning because she is mostly deaf and can't hear them. She still loves her grub and a nice ride in the front seat of the truck (although getting in and out of the truck is a bit dicey these days.).  She's a good companion just wanting to be around.  Good dog, Daisy, I miss you.

1 comment:

  1. I still miss my little dog who died several years ago. She was such a sweet companion. So I know how you feel.
