Monday, July 23, 2012


Listening to the radio today, I heard much talk a out the penalties levied against Penn State by the NCAA. This got me to thinking about my lifelong antipathy toward organized sports. I was in elementary school long enough ago that recess time was free for jumping rope, hopscotch, and generally moving around freely. I had no problem with this as long as the pesky boys left us girls alone. Then came junior high school with one period each day devoted to P.E. I cannot express enough my loathing for this daily dose of distress. Privacy was unknown in the changing area and showers and I detested the dirty benches and showers. I am totally unopposed to physical activity; I've always loved to bicycle and take long walks. But I truly hated team sports, partly because I am not good at them but mostly because I could never see the point. In addition, the competition seems to bring out the worst in many. Winning is all.

I feel the same way today. I don't watch baseball or football. I may watch some of track races during the Olympics. It seems like sports of all types are industrialized and corporatized and served up to make money from dull consumers. Not my thing.


  1. I could hardly agree with you more.

  2. I share your loathing with the "daily dose of distress" (well stated). I actually FAILED volleyball in junior high. As a nerd with straight A's, that just about killed me. But I was teeny-tiny and couldn't get the ball over the net. So embarrassing and distressing.
