Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wow! Oh, Wow!

I was so prepared for the Supreme Court to rule against the Affordable Health Care Act. I am just astounded that they ruled the whole thing constitutional. Yes!! Of course, the hate mongers are going to try to get it repealed. I wonder how people can really want their fellow citizens to suffer and die without access to healthcare. Anyway, I am so happy that this small step in the right direction was upheld. Wow! Oh, Wow!


  1. I like what Krugman says at the end of his column today:
    "This was a big day, a victory for due process, decency and the American people."

  2. I have to say that it galls me to learn that if you take the major platforms of the Affordable Care Act and ask people if they want that (healthcare under the parents for kids up to age 26; prescription coverage for seniors in Social Security's 'donut hole,' no pre-existing conditions exclusions, most Americans do. But if you ask if they support the Affordable Care Act, the majority of Americans say "No." They have been SO co-opted by the right wing wacko's!
