Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Weight Watchers Wednesday

This was my first week on the Points Plus 2012 Plan.  Once I got everything set up on the computer, it is a snap to track everything.  I did make some blunders but on the whole the system works very well.  I weighed in today and lost exactly 3 lb.  That was certainly more than I had anticipated. Weight now is 171.6.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!!

    Way to go, girlfriend!

    You made a very wise choice in selecting Weight Watchers as your diet program, in fact, the wisest.

    Studies have shown it to be the most effective in healthy weight loss and in maintenance of the weight loss.

    And it's the least expensive because it doesn't require purchasing special food products or supplies for the program.

    Keep it up and keep it off!
