Sunday, February 12, 2012

Catherine the Great by Robert Massie

I would never have thought that a 575 page biography could possibly hold my attention all the way through.  But Catherine the Great by Robert Massie did just that. Catherine comes across as a real flesh and blood person.  From her birth and early years as the daughter of a minor noble in Germany to her disastrous marriage to young Peter through her long reign as empress of all the Russias, this book make her come alive.  She lived an loved on an immense scale.  I won't even try to enumerate her interests and accomplishments; I will leave that story to Robert Massie and encourage you to meet Catherine through his book.


  1. I'm lagging behind in my reading, having not yet gotten to In the Garden of Beasts. I got distracted by Hilary Mantel's novel, A Change of Climate, which has me enthralled.
    Nice to find another avid reader out here in cyberland!

  2. Hattie, one of the best things about retirement is the time to read. I usually have about 3 books going at once. I got an iPad for Christmas and really love having my books so accessible. As Erasmus said, "When I have a little money, I buy books and if I have any left over, I buy food and clothes."
