Monday, January 9, 2012

Retirement Social Life

One of the aspects of retirement that I am enjoying very much is the opportunity to have more of a social life.  I've never been one that needs a crowd all the time but while I was working, I withdrew from most activities that required time and energy.  It seemed like all I could to to keep house and work.  Then when I retired, it took me about 6 months to just rest, unwind, and get enough energy and enthusiasm to decide what to do.  It was (and still is) a joy to wake up and not have to jump in the shower, grab something to eat, and be out the door and off to work.  In the past, the holiday season was very stressful with the hospital usually full, staff short from illness or PTO, and all the holiday stuff to get done on top.  But not this year.  We have socialized more this holiday season than in many, many years and it was just plain fun. We had a party for my birthday, a lovely family Christmas dinner, the neighborhood New Year's Eve Potluck at our house, and this weekend a fun birthday party for JMM.  Another way that we are socializing more is that we can be more active in our church.  We have a great Adult Bible Fellowship group of people our age, all boomers.  What makes it so nice is that we are all old enough to have had life's happenings knock the sharp edges off and we can just love and support each other.  And finally, I have joined a book club at the library and found a congenial group of biblioholics. 
Can you tell that I'm taking to retirement like duck to water??

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