Monday, May 24, 2010

WTHIPO List Update

When we were scraping every penny that we could get together to pay off the house, I made a list of things that I wanted to do When the House Is Paid Off. It helped me remember that I was not saying "No" to these things, just saying "Not Now". The house was paid off in February and I am slowly making my way through my WTHIPO list. Here is the updated list:

1. Replace dishwasher--done
2. Replace cracked window--done
3. Window blinds & valances
4. Living room furniture
5. Tile in laundry room
6. Ceiling fans in bedrooms--done
7. Electric logs in fireplace
8. Repair wedding ring
9. Repair grandfather clock
10. Yard scooter
11. Refinish sewing machine cabinet
12. Linens--sheets, towels--done
13. Carpets cleaned

We are saving for a new vehicle so the WTHIPO list is going slowly but that is fine with me. Not sure what will come next on the list.

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