Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Shouldas

I get very put out with myself when I get a case of the shouldas. You know, you should have exercised more, saved more money, kept house better, eaten nothing but healthy food (whatever the current trend in what's healthy), been more active in church / community, etc. One of the nice things about getting older is that more often one just says, "Be Gone!" to the shouldas. But occassionally, I do get caught up in the shouldas. I find myself comparing myself to others who are more successful than I in various areas. Then I think about the price that is paid for that success and realize that I have succeeded in areas that I was willing to pay the price but not in others where I didn't think the result was worth the cost to me. I have to remind myself that I have limited time, limited energy, and a finite budget and I want to be selective with each of them. I have to balance a need for activity and community with a need for peace and rest. I need to balance kindness and generosity with frugality and thrift. There are always more good things to do and be part of than there are time and resources to do them. It is a matter of balance.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for dropping by my blog. How I agree with this post—especially since the only person usually telling us "You shoulda" is you yourself. I have developed the habit of following each "shoulda" sentence with, "But I didn't." It works wonders
