Sunday, December 20, 2009

Love is shoveling shit

My sweet DH spent the morning shoveling cow manure to be composted for my roses. One of the good things about having a cow pasture just an acre away is the lovely manure to compost for the roses. How does he love me?--let me count the shovelfuls...

Speaking of roses, I've decided to add 2 new roses next year:


  1. I suppose that your definition of love changes as you get older...

  2. It does indeed grow to include many more aspects as one grows older.

  3. I get up at 5 am for my pomeranian "babies" and spend quiet time on the enet reading New York Times and such. This morning discovered elder blogs. A whole world out there I didn't know about! How interesting! While I resist being classified as a senior I alas am one and appreciate the fact that there are others out there that are engaged and active. I am a new fan. Hooray, something new when precious little is anymore. Thank You
