Friday, November 27, 2009

What Black Friday Means to Me

It means that I stay in the black in my own ledger by not buying anything.

It means that it is time to take the autumn decorations down and put up the Christmas decorations.

It means that it is time to address the few Christmas cards that I send out.

It means that we eat Thanksgiving leftovers and I don't cook.

It means that it is time to check on the New Year's Eve Neighborhood progressive dinner and see if they will be coming to my house or if I will be making my SIL's wonderful Seafood Gumbo.

Thought for the Day:
(I thought today's verse very appropriate for the beginning of the Christmas season.)

Proverbs 11:25
A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.


  1. Black Friday means a day of leftovers and a day to sleep in. Do you know that I have never once shopped on Black Friday? I do all of my shopping, drum roll please, on Christmas Eve day.


    Yup. No body is in the stores, no lines, bargains galore and I whip through it in 2 hrs. Of course, I don't have many on my list but I like it this way.

  2. What a clever idea to do your shopping on Christmas Eve!!
