Monday, October 12, 2009

Over the $1 Million Dollar Mark

I finally got around to doing the 3rd quarter numbers and things were considerably improved in the retirement accounts and in the mortgage categories. We have gone over the $1 million mark in net worth which is nice but it doesn't really change anything. My plans and budget stay just where they are for the next 3 months until the house is paid off; then we will adjust the budget for saving for vehicles, working my way down my To Do List, and increasing our charitable giving. Who knows, maybe we'll hit 1.5 million before we retire??
People who know us in real life would have no idea of our net worth and that is just the way I want it.


  1. Ah, but even if you don't tell anyone, it's SUCH a nice round figure, isn't it?

  2. Yes, it is a round number and I am happy to have reached it---but the stock market could take another plunge and wipe a good bit of it out, or the housing market could crater and there goes the net worth. It really doesn't mean a lot. The day to day reality doesn't change--pay off the house, build the emergency fund, start saving for a new vehicle.
