Monday, August 24, 2009

J. Mario Gonzalez M.D. RIP

I can hardly believe that I'll never fill another medication order with his scrawling signature. He was murdered Saturday in an apparent robbery while at his ranch.

He was born in poverty in Guatemala and worked and studied his way to the top of his profession. He was a good and caring man and he was a great doctor who gave the best of care to his patients most of whom were critically ill.

We are all in shock over this. He will be greatly missed.

1 comment:

  1. I worked with Dr. Gonzalez for a number of years, when I was with Bayer. I am shocked and saddened by this senseless and selfish act. I cannot tell you the number of times he treated my family at no charge, even though we insisted that we pay. He was a good and kind man that will be missed.

