Friday, April 24, 2009

Enough already!!

There comes a time when one simply has to realize that they are doing the best they can in their particular circumstance. And actually, sometimes one is beating one's self up when in reality, they are doing quite well. By the time one adds all the "ought to's" of life, it's amazing that we don't all go slit our wrists. Frequent ought to's: Lose weight, Exercise, Professional Development, Community Service, Grow your own Organic Garden. Ack! When do you do the laundry, shop, cook, clean the bathroom?? It all comes down to priorities of time and money and it is very easy to get distracted from what is a real and necessary priority to something that is a really good thing in itself but takes away from the real & necessary things. Then one gets stressed and irritable because there is one is being pulled in so many different directions that one ends up with no direction.

Thought for the day:

The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. William James

1 comment:

  1. Love this! I was recently overcome with a bout of "shoulds," and so appreciate that quote!
